Quebec-Canada | north America

George and April Frey

In June of 1996, the Freys’ accepted the call of God to the Mission Field of Quebec-Canada, and have since pioneered Faith Christian Center of Montreal, and in April of 2006 opened a second church location, Faith Christian Center of Morrisburg.

They host Leadership Training Seminars, Ministry Workshops, Women’s Conferences and Bible Seminars and Classes, to encourage and equip the indigenous people to live by there faith in God, and to serve Him faithfully. They also serve as host church for the Canadian Ministers’ Conference, and in the Fall of 2014 will begin an English-speaking School of Ministry to train and equip individuals for ministry service.

Ministry Contact Information:

Rev. George and April Frey

1500 Atwater-Box 56029

Montreal, Quebec H3Z 3G3

Frey family

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