Costa Rica | Central America
Gary & Elena Meador
Iglesia Centro la Palabra Hablada
Gary and Elena Meador began serving as missionaries in Costa Rica and Nicaragua in 1989, under Grace World Missions. From 1996 to 1999, Gary and Elena were missionaries to the nation of Venezuela. From 2004 to 2006, they taught at Rhema Bible Training Center in Bogotá, Colombia under Rev. John Romick.
Presently, Gary and Elena continue to reach Latin American Nations with the vision and passion to see Latin Americans developed into effective servants, ambassadors, and leaders in the Body of Christ! They are the directors of Rhema Bible Training Center, Costa Rica and Rhema Bible Training Center, Nicaragua. Revs Gary and Elena are also the Pastors of Iglesia La Palabra Hablada (The Spoken Word Church).
Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.” With this in mind, Gary and Elena have exponentially impacted Latin America for Jesus.
tel 7193026161 506 25241625
cell 506 8821 0127
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