Ghana, West Africa | Africa
Larry & Valerie Hansen
Word of Faith Outreach Centre
From 1999-2007, Larry and Valerie trained leaders in the five-fold ministry, some of whom have launched out in ministry to villages in the northern parts of Ghana. These graduates have established churches and evangelized many Muslims. Larry and Valerie also started an outreach to the nation of Togo. The target in the future is to train the newly converted leaders in Northern Ghana and Togo to impact more people in Western Africa.
The Hansens are now located in Tema, Ghana where they have established Prevailing Word Ministers’ Training School. Over the past 6 years they have trained many students in the Word of God who are called into the five-fold ministry. They also established the Prevailing Word Family Church organization and are planting churches and posting pastors. They are seeing people coming out of darkness into God’s light. A strong alumni association has also been established.