Hiroshima, Japan | Asia
Carol Franzen
In the summer of 2005, while driving an 18-wheeler across Montana, the Lord told Carol Franzen, “You are going to pastor a church in Japan.” She immediately said, “No! You have made a mistake!” But her spirit started jumping for joy and she instantly knew, and welcomed, what God had planned for her life. She became a student at Rhema Bible Training College in the fall of 2014 and in 2017 graduated from the Rhema School of Pastoral Ministries. During that time she asked the Lord where she was going to go in Japan. The answer was Hiroshima. After navigating through the bureaucratic process of obtaining a religious activities visa, and with the divine connection to a former Japanese Rhema student, she moved to Japan in January 2020. She spent the next 22 months working with Amazing Grace Bible Church in Fujisawa. But the Lord had started tugging at her heart and in November 2021, she moved to Hiroshima. As God continues to unfold His plan for this beautiful country and its people, Carol is making plans to have a “meet and greet” for all the local pastors. “Uniting the Christian community, standing and praying in one accord, working together, is how Japan’s “Great Awakening” is going to start. God’s heart is with the Japanese people. It’s time for His plan to come to fruition. And I am humbled that He chose me to be a huge part in all of this.” Within the next year she plans to establish a church in the Asaminami district of Hiroshima. The vision the Lord has placed in her heart is awesome and exciting! She says, “If I didn’t have faith in God to lead me and guide me every step of the way, I’d be scared! But God…! She is studying Japanese while believing God to equip her with supernatural fluency to speak, understand, read, and write. The best is yet to come!
Contact info: newlifehiroshima@gmail.com
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