South East | Asia

Denise M. (Moore) Crabtree

Denise M. Crabtree attended Rhema from 2004 to 2007 with graduations in 2006 and 2007. Before graduation, she had been on several short-term “construction type” trips. Since graduation, her horizons have expanded to Asia, Europe, Haiti, North, Central and South America and several countries in Africa. Denise served in Ghana, West Africa from shortly after graduation in 2007 until December 2021. In 2022, Denise transitioned to a country in South East Asia which has a one party government.

Denise has served in orphanages. She also taught adults, youth and children in public schools as well as private settings. She has held Leadership Conferences, Women’s Conferences and Marriage & Family Conferences.

Denise has a heart to see healing manifest in His people. She also wants to help people to KNOW the Love of God and the Power of His Forgiveness which will lead them to desire spiritual growth and to be fruitful for His Kingdom.


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