Indonesiua | Asia
Edwin & Monica Hicks
Fulfilling Destiny Spreading The Gospel
Edwin and Monica met in 1993 at Rhema Bible Training Center. They began ministering together in Indonesia in 1996 and moved there in 1997.
By Grace, through the years, Edwin learned to preach in the Indonesian language, traveled and preached on more than 10 islands holding revivals and conferences, started a church, began spreading the Gospel through the means of television, and daily devotions through internet services.
Their television program is broadcast in the North Sulawesi area through two television stations. People from different life styles and religions have also testified of watching the program.
Since September 29, 2011, the television program (Called 2 Win) began airing its programs twice a week in the English language in the USA also through “The Faith Network” that serves 7 television/cable stations that airs its programs in parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. During each and every program, viewers are invited to pray a prayer of salvation. Edwin and Monica regularly return to the States each year and travel and minister the Word there also.
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