
Gary & Connie Crowl

Since 1979, Gary and Connie Crowl have focused their calling on establishing Bible schools, pioneering churches, and training church workers and leaders. “Shaping Leaders and Reaching Nations” has always been a part of their hearts and ministry, and this focus has been accomplished while they’ve lived and served in five different nations of the world.

Beyond that, they have ministered to future and current leaders in more than 29 countries worldwide. Some of those nations include Albania, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, China, East Malaysia, England, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Samoa, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam— and, of course, the United States. As God continues to send them and open doors, their impact for His Kingdom continues to expand.

For over a decade, the Crowls proclaimed the message of faith in the region of Asia and China. They worked and lived in China for over 12 years, being actively involved in equipping Chinese pastors and Christian leaders, publishing faith-building materials, and developing online training resources.

Presently, the Crowls are using their gifts to encourage, equip, and strengthen Christian leaders and churches globally.


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