Thailand | Asia
Scott & Krista Fletcher
Project: R.E.A.C.Ch. Intl. Ministries
“R.eaching E.ast A.sia with the C.ommission of Ch.rist!” & “Reaching and Restoring Humanity through the Love of Christ!” is the Fletchers’ ongoing Purpose!
The Fletchers have been living & ministering in East Asia since the year 2000. Currently they are running and facilitating Minister/Leadership Training Modules for Nationals in 7 nations in East Asia. Many countries in East Asia remain closed to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with an estimate of +80% having never heard the good news. Training Nationals to fulfill Christ’s Commission is the key to reaching these nations.
The Fletchers are currently teaching in Bible & church planting schools, helping in evangelistic outreaches, & working to bring resources to local pastors and ministry leaders in public and home church networks. “Our goal is to help Asian nationals in evangelizing and equipping the Body of Christ within their own nation to fulfill the Great Commission in East Asia!”
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