Hounduras | Central America
Gary & Katrina Walters
Living Water Teaching Honduras
Gary and Katrina, 1985 graduates, direct Living Water Teaching, Honduras. The two of them arrived in Tegucigalpa in June of 1991, and set up offices for the Bible Training Center. Since then, hundreds have been trained throughout the country after having completed 1, 2, & 3 years of the Bible Training Center. Radio and television programs, along with pastor’s seminars have also been implemented during these past 19 years in Honduras.
At present, the Walters pastor a growing local church, run a K-12 Christian Bilingual School recognized throughout the country, including the main men’s penitentiary in the capitol. Interns are welcome for short-term missions to serve in Living Water Academy. Seasoned ministers and teachers are also welcome to come and teach in the many Centers that are continually in session.
The Walters have four children, two grown and two at home.
Email: lwthond@gmail.com
Visit us at www.lwthonduras.com