Panama | Central America

Paul & Jessica Gibson

Jessica Gibson graduated from the missions group at Rhema Bible Training Center in 1994. She began serving at her parents’ church in Wisconsin until they all moved to Missouri to start Living Word Church in 1997. She served as youth minister and then associate pastor until 2017. Jessica married Paul in 2003 and they now have 3 children. The Gibsons have always been heavily involved in leading short term missions teams. In 2010 it was on a short term mission trip to Panama that they felt the Lord was calling them to move there full time. It took a few years to work out all the details but in January of 2018 they sold their home in Missouri and moved to the Mission Field in Panama. They are now entering their sixth year in Panama. They have seen God do many amazing things. They have seen tens of thousands of people saved. They are pastoring a church in the Province of Cocle. They host short term missions’ teams throughout the year.

Contact information:
Paul 417-332-5317
Jessica 417-239-9177

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Website Gibson Family Missions – Living Word Church (lwcbranso

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