Slovenia | Europe
Dom & Linda Vetter
Vetter Global Outreach
Dom and Linda attended Rhema 1981-82
After attending Rhema, they did pastoral work in North Dakota for almost 25 years, and through a supernatural vision, God called them to go to Slovenia and reach out to that nation.
The Vetters have been working in Slovenia since 2009. They created home study groups through out the country. They train up leaders to take over the home groups. They are translating and publishing materials into the Slovene language. They also work with a Slovenian web-master, to build a Slovenian website, on which Christian teaching and helps material can be accessed by the Slovenian people. They also assist local leaders in Slovenia with their work and provide financial assistance to some of the work there.
While the work in Slovenia is their primary focus, they also do outreah work in India and Thailand.
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To set up recurring gifts, please email with “Recurring Donation Request” as the subject line and they will assist you.