France | Europe
John & Laura Madan
French World Ministries
Laura (an American) and John (a Brit) have been preaching the Gospel in France since September 1984. With more than 34 years on the mission field & 37 years of marriage, their heart is to encourage everyone they meet to find and fulfil their destiny in God.
They pioneered a church in Nice, France 33 years ago. In January 2018, they handed over the church to their son-in-law and daughter, Philippe and Rebecca Boulanger, who are both 2012 Rhema France graduates. John and Laura are now focused on itinerate ministry and can be more involved in overseeing the French Rhema Bible Training Colleges.
French World Ministries has four mandates:
1) Teaching the Word – Across France, Switzerland and the French-speaking world in local churches and national conferences. They specialize on the Family, Healing and Faith.
2) Rhema Bible Training College in French – Training nationals to reach their own all over the French-speaking world. They are training up graduates to teach in the schools. John and Laura oversee 5 campuses in Europe as well as assist the French-speaking campuses in Africa, Canada, and Haiti.
3) The printed page – Since 1985 our team have translated and printed 50 teaching books into French, 30 of which are also audio books
4) Stir the Church to missions – John and Laura desire to help the Church remember the importance of sending and supporting missionaries.
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