Lebanon | Middle East

Dawn Adams

Dawn is a 2010 graduate of Rhema Bible Training College and a 2019 graduate of Rhema School of World Missions. She is a widow (Frank ’90, ’91) with four grown children and 11 beautiful grandchildren.

Although Dawn previously visited seven North and South American countries for missions, she was directed to the Middle East for the first time in 2018 and went to Lebanon for her five-week RSWM internship in the spring of 2019. Little did she know, God was giving her a new beginning and tied her heart to the beautiful people of Lebanon. 

Dawn has joined the GoBeyond Missionary Leadership Training program with Club1040 serving RHEMA MENA and GoChurch Beirut under Directors Matt and Julie Beemer and Pastors Matt & Julie Hatabaugh in Beirut, Lebanon. She has worked with the Launch Teams of GoChurch Beirut(est.2021) and RBTC Lebanon (est. 2023) and has established relationships with other local ministries as well to help teach and train leaders to take Jesus to the unreached in the Middle East North Africa nations.

Email: dawnadamsworldmissions@gmail.com 

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