Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Middle East
Joe & Danille Hernandez
Joe was a Marine stationed in Kuwait when God put in his heart a vision to reach the people the Middle East with His Gospel. Twenty-five years after Joe’s first trip to the Middle East, and after more than 25 trips to the Middle East, he is there again with an undeniable passion to win these souls and make disciples in the Middle East!
Their task comes with a risk and dangers but Joe strongly believes that it is the heart of God to preach the Gospel to these areas to bring hope, healing and revival to these nations that the world deems “unreachable”.
Their Vision is to win souls and make disciples in every country in the Middle East: “Make Jesus known in every nation where He’s not named.” Romans 15:2-21 MSG
Their Command is to Love God and Love People: “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27 NLT