Matt & Julie Beemer
The Beemer’s celebrate 28 years living and ministering overseas, and 30 years in ministry. Having spent the previous decade in West Africa, in 2018 the Beemer’s relocated their mission headquarters to Beirut, Lebanon to better position themselves and their team to reach Islamic Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
To date, they and their team have ministered to 7 million people in 4500 live services, pioneered 13 Training Centers in 5 Countries resulting in more than 5000 leaders: translated and supplied hundreds of thousands of life-giving books – and thousands of audio bibles – in key languages throughout Africa and the Middle East. In addition, they facilitated 70+ GoTeams (Short-term Mission Teams) to 20+ Nations with more than 800 participants.
Previous to their time in Africa, the Beemer’s pioneered a city-leading church in the UK during which approx. 5000 Muslims came to the Lord. Out of this church, the Beemer’s working with a leadership team, helped to pioneer the GoChurch family of churches ( now having four congregations, including GoChurch Beirut which the Beemer’s oversee.
Matt and Julie also volunteer as RHEMA Middle East & North Africa (MENA) directors leading a team based in Beirut who’s aim is to plant bible colleges in all 22 MENA nations.
CLUB1040 is a relational missionary movement, reaching the unreached. This happens three ways:
o TRAIN indigenous church planters & leaders who will start hundreds of churches and dozens of Bible College’s throughout all 22 MENA nations by 2030.
o MOBILIZE 100+ near culture missionaries to the MENA region by 2030.
o INSPIRE the church to make this generation the one that reaches every unreached nation (#TGEN – #ThisGenerationEveryNation).
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