Canada | North America

Ken & Tonja Taylor

After graduating in 1987, Ken & Tonja traveled full-time for 5 years ministering in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. They also served for two years as full-time missionaries in the nation of France.

In 1989 the Lord spoke supernaturally to the Taylors concerning their call to the mission field of Quebec. Though presently only 6/10 of 1% of Quebec’s population of 8 million are Evangelical Christians, the Taylors believe the Lord’s plan is to raise up an army of French-Canadian ministers who will ultimately help bring the Word of Faith to the 52 nations of the French-speaking world.

Since 1995, they have been serving as missionary pastors of a growing French congregation strategically located in the heart of Quebec. They currently serve as directors of RHEMA Quebec, an offical French-speaking extension school dedicated to raising up ministers of excellence for this last days harvest. They also translate Brother Hagin’s books into the French language.

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