Mexico | North America
Tim & Rhonda Rogers
Tim Rogers Ministries RHEMA Mexico
Churches achieve success by adding value to their members. Helping people to become valuable for the Kingdom of God through the knowledge of God’s Word, heartfelt worship and serving one another and their community.
RHEMA Mexico is achieving these ideals by reaching our generation through inspired messages from God’s Word, worship services where members have freedom to worship God from their heart and outreach programs that embrace the ideals of Christ ~ “Compassionate Care and Love for People.”
Purpose: We are building people and in turn God’s people are building the church.
Goal: Personal responsibility to grow in every area of life: Spirit, Soul and Body. Becoming people who govern their lives by the truth of God’s Word, a church known for its loving and kind people who cultivate a “Safe Harbor” atmosphere and enjoy successful relationships.
The results? A church who’s impact and influence are changing the heart of the city. A church whose Christian influence will be felt in our homes, businesses, education systems and civic organizations.
RHEMA Mexico ~ The Place where YOU belong!
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